Application Notes

Paxton Access Keypad and Proximity Reader mounting:

Most access control install are aware of problems that are faced when you are mounting keypads and or proximity readers.  There are many traps that one can fall into if not carefull ie. prox readers will not read.  Often or not this can be caused by readers mounted too close to one another and the RF fields on both units interfere with the other unit.  So here are a few notes for the uninitiated.


Prox Readers not reading cards or tokens Readers are mounted back to back Move one reader to a different location so there is a good separation between them ie. in/out readers placed always on the right hand side of the door.
One Prox Reader not reading cards or tokens Reader mounted on metal surface Place non-metal spacer between reader and surface or use readers designed for metal mounting
Prox Reader no working Net2 Reader Link lost to ACU Check cable between ACU and reader.
Check power on ACU
Keypad not working Net2 Keypad Link lost to ACU Check cable between ACU and reader.
Check power on ACU
Reader or Keypad not working Keypad/Reader Link lost to ACU Check cable between ACU and reader.
Check power on ACU

More tips to come.

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